My Rules (Please Read)
My DMB Shows
My JM Shows
Other Bands' Shows
My Concert Pics
My Rules (Please Read)
B&P Rules
Good Traders
Bad Traders
Swept Away



Til We Dance Away

My Trading Rules

I am currently using: Memorex Cds

I expect you to follow these rules while we trade:

1. Be honest. I want good sound quality cds with not a lot of crowd noise. If there is a problem somewhere during the show, please tell me about it before hand.

2. DAO shows only. (Say that to yourself 10 times!) I DO NOT want TAO shows anymore. they take away from the experience and most traders want DAO shows anyway.

DAO means Disc at once. it is when each track flows from one to another continuously. there is no skip, or silence in between each track. this would be like a listener supported type concert.

TAO means track at once. this is when there IS silence (2second gap usually) or a noticeable skip in between each show. this would be like a studio album.

3. The reason why I am asking you to follow these rules is so not only I can receive good quality shows, the people that I trade with will also have the opportunity to have good, quality shows.

4. We arrange a date to send at the same time.

5. Don't lie to me. If I ask you if the show is DAO and you reply "Yes", it better be DAO or else you'll be hearing from me.

6. I prefer you use TDK, Sony or Memorex cds. NO IMATION OR PNY. I usually use Memorex or Sony.

7. Please don't write on the cds. Instead, please slip a piece of paper or post-it on the cd, including the date of the show and disc number.

8. Please feel free to email me when you receive your show if there is something wrong with it, and I will work something out with you to fix it. I will take the liberty to also email you if there is something wrong with a show that I receive from you as well.

9.  ***NEW RULE AND MOST IMPORTANT**** please check to make sure your setlists match the ones played on that date (  if your show is marked 4.27.02, it better match that setlist or you'll be hearing from me.

10. Have fun. Im not going to rip you off, so I hope you aren't going to do the same for me. Im just trying to spread the marvelous music in the world of DMB.